Are you still interested in Alaska?” Her voice was sweet, not a typical sales pitch on the other end of my mobile phone (where did she get my number)?
“Is it free?” I jokingly replied.
“Well, no…but it’s at a very attractive price,” she said.
“You must want my father,” I said to her. “He’s been doing some traveling lately and planning for more, let me give you his number.”
Call it a case of synchronicity
slightly a whack because I was just thinking about Ireland and a trip we want to take next summer when the telemarketer called. I had also just finished reading a really great article at
Religion and Spirituality.com about a women, Arianne, who completely manifested her new love (right down to his first name) and how their life together became an adventure instead of…well, what most relationships turn into.
I was thinking how it is time to dig deeper into intending and manifesting what I desire in my life, in my relationships and in pursuit of my bliss. I am a firm, albeit lazy believer in the power of Intention and in manifesting: we get what we desire and manifest, or we get what happens
to us.“If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice,” as the saying goes and we manifest “happenings”; dull, lifeless, trivial, “things” that just happen
to us. Choosing to decide, through intending and witnessing and we co-create our destiny; an adventurous, love-filled, enchanting reality (umm...had some, have some... want more)!
I want to manifest more (higher) through Intention (have been all along- it’s just a matter of awareness and “what have I been doing with my life?”) but it takes work. A lot. It takes “the vision thing” and it takes honesty, two qualities I know I need to focus on intensely and nurture so they may grow further in every dimension of my being. It takes work and then it takes relaxing- honest relaxing into the arms of what is- through dancing a most unusual and awkward ballet of perseverance and yet surrender too.
“What do I want?” What a powerful, invigorating question!
Arianne, the
enchantress from the article at Religion & Spirituality began her manifesting by becoming clear on what she wanted. She became still (through deep reflection
or meditation), began a fast (of one day) and decided to ‘create’ her manifestation on poster board, cutting out pictures and images carefully thought over of what she intended for herself.
She then created a collage of her intended future, even choosing a picture of Jean-Claude Killy, a French skier to represent the man of her dreams. The man she eventually met and married two months later was named Jean-Claude Gerard Coven (Jean-Claude Coven wrote about the experience at Religion & Spirituality.com).
She then placed the poster board so it would be the first thing she saw upon rising and the last before she closed her eyes for the night.
So, I guess it’s Arts & Crafts time… time to clearly be still, imagine, intend and manifest.
Call it silly, I believe in things like this.
I believe.Intention Graphic by Tribal Harmonix Music