Another Reminder
“A deep sense of things being the way they are.”
"…Things are the way they are. Allow them to be exactly the way they are. All the social consciousness stuff, the social, political, economic change-for-the-better stuff… let it go, allow things to be as they are, don’t resist, don’t hold on to your concept of good/bad, right/wrong.
Trust existence. Who is it that thinks she can improve upon existence? This is the thinker, the ego. Much arrogant mischief arises from this thinking. Existence is pure and perfect as it is. First things first.
Find out who you are first, then you will find your way in this world - with grace, with love, with understanding.
Then your eyes are open, you have access to the wisdom and love of the whole, and you will not be moving from ego fixation, from arrogance, aggression, want and fear. Instead you will flow with existence, the Tao. Your actions will be non-action, your doing will be non-doing. You will act in harmony with the whole moment to moment. And in this way, as a non-entity, you will be immensely helpful to others."
taken from a comment by Meredith at The Sound Of Diesel Musing; Meredith is quoting Akilesh