Wednesday, August 03, 2005


There are many illusions that we blindly place our trust in. We believe we are our jobs, we are our bank accounts, we are our facial features, body structure, and personality. We believe ourselves incapable of many thoughts, actions, feelings and emotions. We believe what others tells us is right or wrong. We believe ourselves separated into nations, religions, and that evil and goodness exist. We even believe we are separated from our Source or God, as if it were even possible.

When we find our center, the center that is present in everyone and is found everywhere our illusions begin to fall away. When our eyes wander to the periphery of our existence we see these illusions at work in our lives, but when we again, find our center- the illusions disappear from our sight.

The illustration above is entitled “The Music”. Illusory black dots abruptly appear or disappear in white circles when we see the figure freely. On the other hand, the white circles disappear altogether when we fixate at the center. This is a perfect visual aid to help us understand how we sometimes cannot believe all that we see at work in our lives. How if we concentrate on what lies on the outside, all matter of disturbances take place. When we focus on the center and remain still, everything becomes calm and our worries dissipate.

When we are at our center all things unnecessary naturally fall away.

Illustration by Akiyoshi Kitaoka
please visit Akiyoshi's remarkable webpage to see more "illusions."


Blogger Trev Diesel said...

Similarly, it's interesting how all of this is an optical illusion. Our sense organs pick up certain sensations, and therefore things SEEM solid, SEEM real, SEEM tangible.

When in reality, there is nothing but small little wave packets vibrating in empty space... from a certain vantage point anyway. It's like seeing things suddenly as The Matrix... or as the "Blanket" (Huckabees).

Yet we cling, and cling, and cling. Hold on. Me. I. Gotta. "Things have to be done!"

When we see it all as an illusion, suddenly all things are made of the same "stuff" - anxiety ceases and compassion arises... for there is no "me" or "you" or "tree" or "skyscraper."

It's all the Self.

10:56 AM  
Blogger Paul said...

But what about when you have a turn in your eye and can't see the black dots at all?

Seriously, I agree with your point...

2:15 PM  
Blogger Larry Clayton said...

This is not re your post, but about a comment you made to Jon's recent post:

"The Wrath of God" and what Jesus had to say about God's wrath and Hell (Oh No!) really far out there. This stuff scared me to death when I was a child. It did some pretty serious scarring in my psyche during christian school and the years spent at my church.

I bless them all, every single one of them because I wouldn't be here now if I hadn't been taught fundamentalism then."

Hey man, this is great. I meet so many people who just can't get over the horror of fundamentalist "hellfire and damnation".
Jonathan Edward's sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, unfortunately put a strong bent on our American religion.

But you found the creative dimension. Yes, it serves people in need. You were in need as a child, as a young man, and your religious training served you well to make you are what you are today.

I wish everyone could give credit like you did in that comment.


3:15 PM  
Blogger Meredith said...

You are doing some amazing writing lately. You exlemplify a deep understanding and warm benevolence. I feel so honored to dialogue with you. Thank you for your thoughtful posts here, and for your recent comments on mine and other friend's blogs.

Today I especially love these lines:

"When we find our center, the center that is present in everyone and is found everywhere our illusions begin to fall away. When our eyes wander to the periphery of our existence we see these illusions at work in our lives, but when we again find our center- the illusions disappear from our sight."

An insight that I just recently recognized is that my center is really not within me. Likely it is more in the center of the periphery of our existence. With this perspective, the small illusions crumble.

PS Thank you for that link to Kitaoka's other illusions. Very cool.

2:09 AM  
Blogger twila said...

I love the way you used the illusion to illustrate a simple truth that I'm glad to be reminded of: "When we find our center, the center that is present in everyone and is found everywhere our illusions begin to fall away." Thank you. Glad to have found this site.

3:45 PM  

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